Round tables
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Negotiating sexualized bodies in an increasingly divisive and dangerous world: solidarities of the marginalized. (Commission on Global Feminisms and Queer Politics and Commission on Marginalization and Global Apartheid) | Academic Degree: Ph.D Name: Subhadra Channa Institution / affiliation: Delhi University City: Delhi Country: India | Academic Degree: Ph.D Name: Felipe Fernandes Institution / affiliation: Federal University of Bahia, Brazil City: Salvador Country: Brazil | This forum will focus on negotiation of sexualized bodies in a world fraught with war, poverty and political violence. | Sexualized Bodies, Violence, Poverty, Identities | The present times are fraught with danger as almost every part of the globe is being driven towards increasing intolerance and conflict; where existing chasms are deepening and new ones coming up. How are the sexualized bodies negotiating these dangerous zones? What is the risk to sexualized bodies? How are they being exploited, ravaged or destroyed as different groups fight over territories, identities and political space? What does it mean to be a man, a woman or a transgender in Syria, Kashmir and Afghanistan; in Africa, Latin America and in Turkey? How is sexuality being attacked, deformed or reinvented under right wing governments in India, the USA and Poland? Poverty and marginalization is another threat as humans are exposed and vulnerable in the shanties, slums and roadside of the urban cities. How do the homeless and the ghetto dwellers live in the world with no security and no privacy? What are the mechanisms of solidarity that keeps them going? In this plenary/round table such questions can be debated and discussed with reference to life world experience from the field and other sources. What does it mean to be a man, a woman, or a trnsgender in Syria, Kashmir and Afghanistan; in africa, Ltin America and in Turkey? How is sexuality being attacked, deformed orreinvented in India, the USA and Poland? Poverty and marginalizatipn is another threat as human bodies are exposed and made vulnerable in the shanties, slums and the roadside of urban cities. How do homeless and ghetto dwellers live in a world with no security,no privacy and no toilets? What are the mechanisms of solidarity that keep them going? In this roundtable such questions can be debated and discussed with reference to life wolrd experiences from the field and other sources | 1. Prof. Miriam Pillar Grossi, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Department of Anthropology 2. Dr. Agnieszka Kościanśka ( Ph.D) University of Warsaw 3. Dr. Chandana Mathur ( Ph.D), Department of Anthropology, National University of Ireland, Maynooth 4. Lia Zanotta Machado, Brasil |
Constructing solidarities through sports [Commission on the Anthropology of Sports] | Academic Degree: PhD Name: Luiz Rojo Institution / affiliation: Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) City: Niterói Country: Brazil | Academic Degree: PhD Name: Jérôme Soldani Institution / affiliation: Université Paul Vallery City: Montpellier Country: France | The purpose of this roundtable is to link two sides of the topic of this congress – world solidarities - connecting the role of sports in the construction of world solidarities to the ways in which solidarities have been constructed inside sportive practices. | sports, tourism, globalization, religion, human rights | The purpose of this roundtable is to connect two meanings of the topic of this congress. We will discuss how sports has contributed to the construction of solidarities around the world in many different ways. Fans and athletes of many sportive clubs cross countries and continents to work and develop networks. Indigenous people, LGBT, nudists, among other groups, organize sportive events where they strengthen ties and their organizations. Amateur runners participate in proofs organized to collaborate with social causes and movements, among hundreds of other similar initiatives. At the same time, investigations about sportive events such as the “Military World Championships” and the “Maccabiah Games” or the group “Athletes of Christ”, can contribute to problematize the scope of meanings of “solidarity”, when it is used to promote only “internal solidarities” excluding “others”. The diversity of themes presents in panels related to sports, proposed in this Inter-Congress, shows that those who investigated in this field raised these kinds of questions with acuity and associating them with other anthropological areas such as tourism, globalization, religion, and human rights. But, if these examples show the construction of solidarities “through” sports, there are almost no investigations about solidarities “in” sports. This roundtable has the task of going beyond the common-sense association of sports with competitiveness and rivalry, while leisure would be related to friendship and freedom, stimulating that this analysis be made from the point of view of those actors, especially in high performance sports. | 1. Luiz Fernando Rojo - Universidade Federal Fluminense (Brasil)/Commission on Anthropology of Sports 2. Livia Savelkova - University of Pardubice (Czechia) 3. Tarminder Kaur - University of the Free State (Republic of South Africa) 4. Raphael Schapira - The Graduate Institute Geneva (Germany) |
Dark Ethnography, Rejected Peoples and Unwanted Migrants: Are subversive solidarities and migrants a threat to Nation States? | Academic Degree: PhD Name: Bobby Luthra Sinha Institution / affiliation: Sahapedia-UNESCO Fellow and Researcher City: NEW DELHI Country: India | Academic Degree: PhD Name: Nirmala Devi Gopal Institution / affiliation: Criminologist, University of Kwa Zulu Natal City: Durban Country: South Africa | Recent socio-political controls over migrants the world over have created a concomitant academic interest on migrant centered studies and ethnography. This Round Table analyses solidarities and challenges in both secure and non-secure contexts of migrations alongside local fears and hopes. | Unwanted migrants, non-secure migration, dark ethnography, subversive solidarities, humanitarianism | The recently surging inwards gaze depicted by the state with an accompanying rise of populism, far right and neo- fascist movements in Europe and America have signified a tightening regime of controls over migrants to these nations. Concomitantly has arisen an interest within anthropology to dwell on the implications of these phenomena all over the world. As the world witnesses 'unwanted migrants' and ‘rejected peoples’ (Weiner 1993) shuffle between ‘states’- literally and figuratively in more ways than one, the common ethnographic connections between secure and non-secure migrations are hard to be missed. A parallel rise of crimes related to substance abuse, trafficking, environmental offenses, terrorism and militancy raise two points of focus for researchers a) the harsh brutal dimensions of human existence that actors as migrants and rejected peoples face or build upfront into and, b) Emergence of deeply ethnographic and humanitarian solidarities between migrants and host societies over and above subversive socio-political scenarios and choices. How do social scientists and experts relate to this rapidly changing context of migration and challenges of working with two different sets of people: a) victims, negatively impacted groups, resistors to restrictive worlds of crime and, b) perpetrators categorized as, ‘criminals’, traffickers, ‘militant extremists’ or ‘terrorists’ who are ‘not necessarily liked’ by social scientists (Bangstad 2017). What challenges are faced when dark anthropology (Ortner 2016) is undertaken to study non-secure contexts of migration and how different are these from the everyday ethnography of actors in a secure environment of migration? | 1. Dr.des Bobby Luthra Sinha: Independent Social Scientist and Documentary Maker; Sahapedia-UNESCO Research Fellow (2018-2019); 2. Professor Nirmala Devi Gopal: Criminologist in the Programme of Criminology and Forensic Studies at the University of KwaZulu-Natal; 3. Professor Anapurna Devi Pandey: Cultural Anthropologist, University of California, USA; 4. Professor Susan Julia Chand: Professor of Anthropology and Director for Research & Innovation at the University of the Southern Caribbean (USC), Trinidad and Tobago; 5. Binny Yadav: Independent Journalist and documentary filmmaker; Media academic and Lecturer at New Delhi YMCA, Institute of Media Studies and Information Technology (IMSIT); 6. Jenelle Abraham: Budding Lawyer and Researcher at Programme of Criminology and Forensic Sciences; |
Alter-Europe? Right-wing populism and European imaginaries | Academic Degree: Dr Name: Agnieszka Pasieka Institution / affiliation: University of Vienna City: Vienna Country: Austria | Academic Degree: Prof. Name: Alexandra Schwell Institution / affiliation: University of Munich City: Munich Country: Germany | This roundtable aims to discuss alternative visions of Europe which populist imaginations position against “liberal Europe," emphasizing the tension between the longing for the past and future-oriented claims as well as the resonance of these visions in people's everyday lives. | right-wing populism; Europe; European Union; everyday life | Contemporary right-wing populist politicians have been often portrayed as anti-European. Given that in their discourses they often target “Bruxelles” as one of their chief enemies, such descriptions may seem far from surprising. Recently, however, it has been becoming more evident that the statements in which they either criticize or reject the European Union ought not to be read as a rejection of Europe. Similarly, they ought not to read simply as a return of the primacy of the nation state or as an outright brush-off of everything beyond the confines of the nation state. Rather, what right-wing populist politicians and their supporters are expressing is the need of a different, alternative Europe - often termed as "better," "truer," and capable of preserving the "genuine" European culture and heritage. In this roundtable, we would like to shed light on such alternative visions of Europe which populist imaginations often position against “liberal Europe.” We are especially interested in the way in which the ideas and imaginations about Europe integrate into people’s everyday lives and in why they are (increasingly?) seen as attractive and convincing. Furthermore, we are interested in the tension between the ideas of "restoration" and "revolution," in how the nostalgia for the past coexists with the search of new solutions and new models. Last but not least, we are interested in discussing if and how do these alternative conceptualizations of Europe relate to the - continusously emphasized - West/East binary. | 1. Marcin Brocki, Jagiellonian University 2. Peter Skalnik, University of Hradec Králové 3. Annika Lems, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology 4. Juraj Buzalka, Comenius University |
Anthropology and the Sustainable Development Goals: Should Anthropologists Become More Involved and How? (World Anthropological Union) | Academic Degree: PhD Name: Vesna Vucinic Neskovic Institution / affiliation: University of Belgrade City: Belgrade Country: Serbia | Academic Degree: PhD Name: Thomas Reuter Institution / affiliation: University of Melbourne City: Melbourne Country: Australia | The round table will discuss how anthropology can contribute more to addressing the SDGs and exploring their interconnections, building on the unique integrative-holistic orientation of the discipline and our understanding of local diversity. | The 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development, SDGs, anthropology of policy, applied anthropology, international cooperation | The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides “a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future”. At its core are 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries in a global partnership. They acknowledge that ending poverty and other deprivations has to go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur balanced urbanization and economic growth, while tackling climate change and working to preserve oceans and forests. This round table asks how anthropologists can contribute to attaining the goals adopted by the UN member states to ensure human survival on Earth. The sustainable development challenges are certainly all important as topics for anthropological research, and central to the work of many policy oriented and applied anthropologists. The discussants will provide an overview of how anthropology can contribute more to addressing the SDGs and exploring their interconnections, building on the unique integrative-holistic orientation of the discipline and our understanding of local diversity. | 1. Faye Harrison, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA 2. Gustavo Lins Ribeiro, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana - Lerma, Mexico 3. Heather O'Leary, Washington University in St. Louis, USA 4. Soumendra Patnaik, Utkal University, India |
What is academic precarity? Meanings, experiences and insurgences | Academic Degree: PhD Name: Vinicius Kaue Ferreira Institution / affiliation: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales City: Paris Country: France | Academic Degree: Dr. Name: Mariya Ivancheva Institution / affiliation: University of Liverpool City: Livepool Country: United Kingdom | By drawing upon earlier discussions held during previous IUAES and EASA conferences, this round-table seeks a common ground for discussions and action without obliterating the diversity of meanings, forms and temporalities of precarity in different academic contexts throughout the world. | precarity, unionization, solidarity, young scholars, labour | This round-table seeks to take forward previous discussions on academic precarity opened in previous IUAES and EASA conferences, where workshops and plenaries gave us the opportunity to raise crucial but often divergent questions. By drawing upon these earlier meetings, the collaboration with PrecAnthro group and EASA survey on precarity, we would like to start the debate from a threefold observation: (1) the notion itself of academic precarity differs not only according to national contexts, but also generational experiences, as the dialogue between early career and senior scholars on the topic is often muddled by mutual miscomprehension about conditions and sentiments specific to each generation; (2) from questions such as casualization and regimes of employability to physical and mental health and threats to academic freedom, the different ways how precarity is comprehended and lived need to be put in perspective; and (3), there is an urgent need to envision concrete action, on both political and institutional levels, in response to a pervasive process of precarization. Therefore, the aim of this round-table is to found a common ground for discussions and action without obliterating the diversity of meanings, forms and temporalities of precarity in different academic contexts throughout the world. Participants to the round table will be also invited to take part actively in the debate and make reference to their own experiences of national and/or regional contexts. | 1. Virginia Garcia-Acosta, Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology (Mexico) 2. Ana Ivasiuc, Justus Liebig University (Germany) 3. Nilika Mehrotra, Jawaharlal Nehru University (India) 4. Noel Salazar, KU Leuven (Belgium) 5. Georgeta Stoica, Centre Universitaire et de Formation de Mayotte, (France) |
Hating the absent Muslim Other. Islamophobia and the refugee crisis in Poland | Academic Degree: dr hab. Name: Monika Bobako Institution / affiliation: Adam Mickiewicz University City: Poznań Country: Poland | Academic Degree: MRS Name: Dorota Grobelna Institution / affiliation: independent art curator and activist City: Poznan Country: Poland | The aim of the roundtable will be to discuss a phenomenon of Polish "Islamophobia without Muslims" and to compare it to anti-Muslim attitudes that have developed in other parts of Europe. A starting point of the discussion will be the refugee crisis of 2015. | Islamophobia, Poland, Muslims, refugees | The aim of the roundtable will be to examine a phenomenon of Polish "Islamophobia without Muslims" and to compare it to anti-Muslim attitudes that have developed in other parts of Europe. During the discussion we will particularly focus on the Islamophobic discourses, policies and incidents that dominated the public sphere in Poland in the context of the refugee crisis of 2015 and that have remained an important element of the political scenario in the country. While analysing the specificity of Polish Islamophobia we will pose questions regarding its links with other forms of xenophobia (e.g. anti-Semitism or Romophobia) and discuss political and economic factors responsible for the current resurgence of nationalist sentiments in the Polish society. We will problematize the role of the Catholic Church in shaping pro- and anti-refugee attitudes in Poland and try to determine to what extent the symbolic and material place that Poland occupies within Europe creates the conditions for "hating the absent Others". Our goal will be to situate present day anti-Muslim prejudices in a wider cultural context of historically entrenched Orientalist frameworks and to ask about the possible strategies that could be effective in countering rising wave of xenophobic hostility in Europe. | 1. dr Francesco Bachis, University of Cagliari, Italy 2. dr. hab. Monika Bobako, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań 3. prof. Michał Buchowski, Adam Miciewicz University, Poznań 4. prof. Krzysztof Jaskułowski, SWPS, Wrocław |