A number of open meetings will take place during the IUAES 2019 Inter-Congress to which every IUAES Member is welcome to attend. These are:
IUAES Commissions business meetings. All IUAES Commissions meetings will take place in parallel sessions on Wednesday, 28 August, from 16.00 to 17.30 in different rooms (check the online programme to find the room allocated to each Commission). These meetings are open to everyone – if you are not a member (yet), just come and see what particular thematic Commissions are about.
IUAES General Assembly will take place on Friday, 30 August, from 16.00 to 17.30 in room 1.71. The meeting is open to all IUAES Members.
WAU (World Anthropological Union) Constituency Meeting will take place on Friday, 30 August, from 17.30 to 18.30 in room 1.71. The meeting will follow the IUAES General Assembly. Everyone is welcome.